
최지영    Choi Ji Young   ( 1982- , South Korea)

Solo Exhibition

2012  my castle in the air, art seasons gallery, Singapore
2008 연출된 장면 a made-up scene 2nd., 인사아트센터, 서울
2008 연출된 장면 a made-up scene , 금호미술관, 서울

Group Exhibition

2014 청년예술100 ART NOVA 100展  전국농업전람관 北京全国农业展览馆,북경,중국
        2012 공간에 어울리는 그림들, SCAG, 서울
         전망좋은 방, 금산/블루메 갤러리, 파주 헤이리, 경기
         YWCA, 이마주 갤러리, 서울
         AR festival, 아시아 출판 문화센터, 파주, 경기
         Hongik root, 조선일보 미술관,서울
2011 HOMA Curator project II,III, HOMA, 서울
         No.45 - Kumho Young Artist, 금호미술관, 서울
         현대미술의 루트, 한가람미술관, 서울
2010  My room our atelier, 가나아트/가나컨템퍼러리, 서울
          Brand New-best of breed, 갤러리원, 서울
          Fashion or passion, 프라이어스갤러리, 서울
         프리 스타일 : 예술과 디자인의 소통展, HOMA, 서울
          Sense & Sensation, 인사아트센터, 서울
2009  PROPOSE 7_ VOL4, 금호미술관, 서울
         상상하는 뚜왈렛, 갤러리 로얄, 서울
         초코렛박스, 장흥아트파크 미술관, 경기
2008  The bridge, 가나아트 개관 25주년 기념전, 가나아트센터, 서울
          Reversion, 갤러리IHN, 서울
2007 푸른대양_청춘의 개화, 심여갤러리 / 갤러리175, 서울
         대리만족, 한전프라자갤러리, 서울
2006 천태만상, 황성예술관, 베이징 / 도륜미술관, 상하이, 중국
         TUBE, 홍익대학교 현대미술관, 서울
         에네르기, 경향갤러리, 서울

Award /grant

2010 미술전문지 월간 퍼블릭아트 2011 작가공모 선정
2008 문예진흥기금 신진작가지원 정기공모 선정, 서울
2007 GanaNowArt 수상 _<2nd.a made-up scene>, 가나아트 갤러리, 서울
2007 제5회 금호 영아티스트, 금호미술관, 서울
2007 한전프라자갤러리 전시공모선정,<대리만족>,서울

Artist-in-residence program
2008-2010 장흥아뜰리에, 가나아트 갤러리

Choi Ji Young ( 1982- , South Korea)


2006 B.F.A, Hongik University, Seoul, South Korea
2008 M.F.A, Hongik University, Seoul, South Korea

Solo Exhibitions

2012 my castle in the air, art seasons gallery, Singapore
2008 a made-up scene 2nd., Insa Art Center, Seoul, South Korea
2008 a made-up scene, Kumho Museum Of Art, Seoul, South Korea

Group Exhibitions

2014  ART NOVA 100展 NATIONAL AGRICULTURAL EXHIBITION CENTER, Beijing, China2012 A Room with a View, Kumsan / blume gallery, Paju Heyri, Gyeonggi, South Korea
         YWCA, Imazoo gallery, Seoul, South korea
         AR festival, Asia Publication Culture & Information Center,Gyeonggi, South Korea
         Hongik root, Chosun ilbo Art museum,Seoul,South Korea
2011 HOMA Curator project II,III, HOMA, Seoul, South Korea
         No.45 - Kumho Young Artist, Kumho Museum Of Art, Seoul, South Korea
         Contemporary art's root, Hangaram Art museum, Seoul, South Korea
2010 My room our atelier, Gana Art center, Seoul, South Korea
         Brand New-best of breed, gallery won, Seoul, South Korea
         Fashion or passion, Prior's gallery, Seoul, South Korea
         Free Style : A Dialogue Between Art and Design, HOMA, Seoul, South Korea
         Sense & Sensation, Insa Art Center, Seoul, South Korea
2009 PROPOSE>>7_ VOL4, Kumho Museum Of Art, Seoul, South Korea
         Toilette, Gallery Royal, Seoul, South Korea
         Chocolate box, JangHeung ArtPark, KungGi, South Korea
2008 Gana Art 25th Anniversary Exhibition the bridge, Gana Art Center, Seoul, South Korea
         Reversion, Gallery IHN, Seoul, South Korea
2007 Blue ocean-The Blossom Of Youth, Simyo Gallery / Gallery175, Seoul, South Korea
         Vicarious Pleasure, Kepco Plaza Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
2006 Diversity in Form and Thought, Beijing Art Gallery Of Imperial city/ Shanghai Doulun Museum Of Modern Art, China
        TUBE, GPS Exhibition, Hongik University Museum, Seoul, South Korea
        Energie, Kyunghyang Museum, Seoul, South Korea

Award /grant

2010 The monthly art magazine PUBLIC ART invite new artists 2011
2008 Grant for 1st.Solo exhibition, Art Council Korea, Seoul, South Korea
2007 The 5th Kumho Young Artist, Kumho Museum Of Art, Seoul, South Korea
2007 GAnaNowArt , Gana Art Gallery, Seoul, South Korea
2007 Grant for , Kepco Plaza Gallery, Seoul, South Korea

Artist-in-residence program
2008-2010 Jangheung Atelier, Gana Art Gallery, Seoul, South Korea